First Prize
Team Name: InternetBot from Bangalore Section
Organisation: PES College of Engineering, Mandya
Members: Manikant Amaresh Savadatti, Surya Kanth
Second Prize
Team Name: VJ_EEE from Kerala Section
Organisation: Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Chemperi
Members: Sharan Rathnakumar
Third Prize
Team Name: Portable Seabin from Malaysia Section
Organisation: Universiti Teknolgi Kualampur, Malaysia
Members: Mohd Fitri Mohd Yakub, Muhamad Luqman Hasif Bin, Muhamad Jasni
Consolation Prize
Team Name:Bright Horizon from Pune Section
Organisation: AISSMS Institute of Information Technology, Pune
Members: Kshitij Thakur, Tejaswi Sreerangam
Call for projects for Video Contest
India Council Track R10 HTC 2021
IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10 HTC) is a premier annual cross-disciplinary conference. The 9TH edition
of IEEE R10 HTC will be held in Bengaluru, India from September 30 to October 2, 2021.Projects are invited entries for Video Contest
on “Disaster management: Preparedness, Response and Recovery for India Council Track of R10 HTC 2021
About the Contest
It is a team based event with each team comprising of 2 members. The participants should upload a video presentation of projects
done by them on the theme Disaster Management: Preparedness, Relief, Response and Recovery in the last 5 years. The projects
could be projects already done or new ideas for development and also a hypothetical situation where one has to imagine a situation
and how technology could make a difference. The duration of the video can be of maximum 5 minutes.
Who can Participate?
The contest is open only to IEEE members including student members of Region 10 passionate about using technology for humanity.
There is no bar on age.
Each team should comprise of 2 members
The video should be uploaded to the link provided. The duration of the video can be of maximum 2 minutes.The video should include
title of project details of team members humanitarian impact technical details and financials for implementing the project. The
project has to be original.
The video must NOT contain any copyrighted material.
- There are 3 prizes in the form of plaque and certificates
Important Dates
Contest opens on : 28th July 2021
Submission deadline: 27th August 2021
Evaluation of Projects: 28th August 2021- 8th September 2021
Winners announcement: 9th September 2021