Virtual Session
IEEE R10 HTC invites demos from Startups & Industries for showcasing fully developed Products and Services.

The topics of interest include as listed below. Other domain product demos will not be accepted. Categories are:
Here is the list of our upcoming events and petitions. Find the campaigns that matter to you and sign the petitions for change. Participants also have the additional advantage of attending talks by international experts. We are confident that your experience at this conference will be a rewarding and memorable one.

Call for Product/Service Demo:
- Demo submission starts on: 25 July 2021
- Dead line for submission: 25 Sep 2021
- Notification of acceptance: 26 Sep 2021
Selected Products/Services will be exhibited and rewarded at the R10 HTC conference (Virtually). Each accepted demo will get 5 min slot for presentation on 1st Oct 2021. The presentation will be recorded, same will be exhibited on 2/10/2021.
Registration Fee: Rs 1000
Submission Guidelines
- Abstract should have complete details about the Product. The product should be completely developed and launched. Abstract should not exceed 500 words.
- Submission should include key words.
- All submission should be of one of the proposed category.
- Team can have maximum 5 members.
Best Demo Awards
Winners will be awarded attractive prizes & e-Certificates:
1. First Best Demo Award : INR 5,000 +Certificate
2. Second Best Demo Award : INR 3,000 + Certificate.
All the accepted and presented Demo product /service will get “Appreciation Certificate”
For more details contact