Mr. Shrikant Tangade
Registration Chair
Assistant Professor in School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, REVA University, Bengaluru, India.
Mr. Shrikant Tangade has been an avid IEEE volunteer for the past three years. Currently, he serves as the Co-Chair of IEEE Student Activities Committee (SAC)-2018 of IEEE Bangalore Section and IEEE Student Branch Counselor of IEEE Student Branch REVA University. Shrikant is working as Assistant Professor in School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, REVA University, Bengaluru, India. He has completed Master degree in Computer Network Engineering and Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), India.
He is pursuing Ph.D in Electronics and Communication Engineering in the area of Security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). He has 2 years of research experience in Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and 6 years of teaching in REVA Institute of Technology and Management REVA University. He had been selected for BMW Summer School-2016″ at Munich, Germany. Shrikant is a recipient of the 2017 IEEE MGA Global Award IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor Award and 2016 IEEE Bangalore Section Award IEEE Outstanding Branch Counselor. His research interests include Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) and Optical Networks. He is a member of IEEE (USA), and IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS).