Christopher Sistrunk, PE

Christopher Sistrunk, PE
Principal Consultant
Mandiant (a FireEye Company)
Christopher Sistrunk is a Principal Consultant at Mandiant (a FireEye company) focusing on ICS and critical infrastructure. Before Mandiant, he was a Senior Electrical Enginer with Entergy for 12 years, 10 of which were involved with the Transmission and Distribution SCADA systems where he was a SCADA subject matter expert. Christopher has a BS in Electrical Engineering and a MS of Engineering and Technology Management from Louisiana Tech University. He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Louisiana, Senior Member of IEEE, LaTech Engineering advisory board, past President of Mississippi Infragard, co-founder of the BEER-ISAC (which focuses on real-world ICS intel sharing), CFP board member of Kaspersky SAS, founder and co-organizer of BSidesJackson. Christopher has presented at leading ICS cybersecurtity and hacking conferences including 4SICS, S4, SANS ICS, RSA, Blackhat USA, DEF CON, and many others.