T-Shirt Design Competition

This competition will be fully virtual and no students should produce a physical T-Shirt for submission. Repeat, you do not need to produce a physical T-Shirt.

You must receive feedback on your design, this is a new requirement. Students must gather feedback from 5 people that are either faculty/staff at their University or an IEEE Professional member. These feedbacks are meant to be informal, virtual, and are only graded as complete or incomplete. In other words, the review themselves are not graded in the T-shirt competition. If the student does the reviews, they then will receive the full credit for them. In the review the student must inform the reviewer of the design requirements (i.e. the rules for the design) and then go over their T-shirt design.

Once the review is completed then the student must send and email to IEEESACRegion3@gmail.com stating that they reviewed their design with the reviewer and state the reviewers affiliation (i.e. if they are faculty/staff or an IEEE member). The student must also CC the reviewers email. This step must be completed by 2/28/21

Each student branch is allowed only one item in the competition.

The student branch Tshirt or lab coat design must include:
1) the IEEE logo and the school name and/or
2) “IEEE SoutheastCon 2021” incorporated into the design.

Either one-sided or two-sided designs are allowable. For two-sided designs, the student branch should turn in two designs (one for each side) for judging.

Students must submit their design to IEEESACRegion3@gmail.com

Questions may be submitted to bailey.u.heyman@gmail.com


Overview is released:
Submit Design & Review:

September 2020
December 1st 2020 – February 28th 2021
February 28th 2021