- Each paper should be between 4 and 6 pages, inclusive of figures, tables, and references. Up to two additional pages will be allowed for a fee of 150 USD per page.
- All papers must be submitted using the IEEE conference template, found at https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html . If you use Microsoft Word templates, please remove the copyright tag “XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE” from your paper. If you use Microsoft Word A4 template, please insert a blank line above the title on the first page to ensure that the top margin of the first page exceeds 19.1 mm.
- Submission System. To submit your paper, click on “Submit a contribution to SSCI 2023” in https://conf.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl
- Author PIN. If you do not have an account on PaperCept, please create one at https://conf.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/pinwizard.pl . Don’t forget to ask your co-authors to create their own accounts as well. Alternatively, you can create PINs for your co-authors using their emails and affiliations.
- Symposium Code. Authors are required to use the symposium code, which is the abbreviated title of the symposium in parenthesis at https://attend.ieee.org/ssci-2023/symposia/ . For example, the code for the symposium “Automated Algorithm Design, Configuration, and Selection (AADCS)” would be “AADCS”.
- When submitting your paper, you will need to select 1-3 keywords that will help the symposium chairs search for appropriate reviewers.
- Verify the title of the symposium which is displayed in the “Profile” of your submission in the next page.
- If authors wish to submit their papers to a special session, they should follow the same process as the submission to symposium.
- SSCI 2023 offers a “Presentation-Only” option, which requires a two-page abstract. Accepted submissions will be presented orally at the conference and listed in the final program, but will not be available in IEEE Xplore.
- To avoid the impact of last-minute cancellations by presenting authors, we are offering the option for authors to upload recorded videos of their presentations. In the event that the designated presenter is unable to attend the conference, the paper will be presented by the uploaded video.