Photonics and Optical Systems
![]() Gustavo A. Aucar
Gustavo A. Aucar is a professor and researcher at Northeast National University, Exact Sciences Faculty (FACENA).
His resumé is as follow:
1. Physical Licentiate. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura, UNNE 1983
2. PhD in Physics. Advisor: Prof Rubén Contreras. UBA. 1991
3. Post Doctorate at the University of Odense, Denmark. Advisor: Prof Jens Oddershede. 1992-1994
4. Fellow of CONICET. Class: Superior
5. Full Professor at Physics Department, FCENA UNNE
6. Visiting professor to the following universities: Odense (DK), Módena (IT), Helsinki, Alberta, Copenhaguen, Madrid, Antioquia.
Institutional duties:
Head of the Institute of Modeling and Innovative Technology. IMIT. CONICET UNNE. From 2008
Head of CCT Nordeste. CONICET. From April 2014 till April 2017.
Head of the doctorate career in Physics at the FCENA UNNE
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. London
Argentinian representative of the International Society on Theoretical Chemical Physics
Advisor of:
. Pregrade assistantship: 22
. Postgraduate fellowship: 18
. Postdocs: 4
. PhD thesis: 12
Articles published in international journals: 80
Books: 1
Chapters of books: 4
Articles of reference:
1. “Recent developments in absolute shielding scales for NMR spectroscopy”. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 96, 77 (2019).
2. “Polarization propagator theory and the entanglement between MO excitations”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (38), 24832-24842 (2018)
3. “The Role of Spin Dependent Terms on the Relationship Among Nuclear Spin-Rotation and NMR Magnetic Shielding Tensors”. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 5188−5192 (2016).
4. “Microsolvation of methylmercury: structures, energies, bonding and NMR constants ( 199 Hg, 13 C and 17 O)”. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 1537 (2016).
5. Perspective: “Toward a QFT-based theory of atomic and molecular properties”. G. A. Aucar. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16, 4420-4438 (2014).
6. Review: “Polarization propagators: A powerful theoretical tool for a deeper understanding of NMR spectroscopic parameters”. Int. Rev. in Phys. Chem. 29, 1-64 (2010).
![]() Guillermo P. OrtizProf. Researcher Guillermo P. Ortiz He has a degree in Physics from the UBA. Doctor of Science, Physics, from the University Of the State of Mexico and postdoc at the Physics Institute of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and COMEX SA. Currently, He is Professor of the Department of Physics of the Faculty of Exact, Natural and Surveying Sciences at National University of the Northeast (FaCENA-UNNE). He works on optical properties of inhomogeneous systems using macroscopic response models of metamaterials, algorithm design and experiments on problems of layered systems, photonic crystals and nanostructures. Interdisciplinary projects in granular materials and biological structures. |
Chair | Co-Chair |
![]() Guillermo F. QuinteiroProfessor – Researcher at the University of Buenos Aires Education:
The IEEE Photonics Society acts as the center of a vibrant technical community of more than 100,000 professionals, devoted to transform advances in quantum physics to devices, systems and products that revolutionize our daily lives. Ranging from ubiquitous and economic global communications through fiber optic, lasers for medical and other applications, flat screens, photovoltaic devices for solar energy, to reach LEDs for low-energy lighting, there are innumerable examples of the impact of this topic in the world around us.
For this topic, the following subtopics are suggested. Please note that you may send your paper beyond the scope of this list. In such a case, you must specify, in submission web form, the new subtopic that you consider your paper belongs to, as per instructions in Tutorial for Paper Submissions., under the paragraph How to specify a subtopic that is not predefined. |
- Engineering with surface and localized Plasmons
- Optical communication systems.
- Optical sensors and Industrial instrumentation.
- Optics and photonics in Biology and Medicine.
- Optics and photonics in agriculture industry
- Other optical and photonic applications, including LED lighting and photovoltaic systems.
- Photonic transceivers.
- Programmable optical devices
ID | Título (Title) | Autor (Author) | Programa (Track) |
14 | Manufacture of Long Period Fiber Gratings for the Development of Optical Sensors | Alustiza, Diego H • Mineo, Marcos • Aredes, Daniel • Vaio, Emanuel • Russo, Nélida | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
43 | Sensitibity Improvement of an LPG-based Fiber Optic Humidity Sensor | Alustiza, Diego H • Mineo, Marcos • Russo, Nélida • Aredes, Daniel • Arce, Valeria • Gara, Pedro David | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
105 | Sources of error, artifacts, acceleration and validation of the deconvolution algorithm with super-resolution for microscopy images | Toscani, Micaela • Mazzeo, Alejandro E • Martinez, Sandra • Martinez, Oscar E • Lacapmesure, Axel M • Brinatti Vazquez, Guillermo D | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
111 | Automatic alignment system for Confocal Photothermal Microscopy | Jan, Luis E • Zaldivar Escola, Facundo | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
132 | Development of an Indoor Hybrid PLC/VLC/IR Communication System based on TCP/IP Model | Banda Sayco, Oswaldo R • Laura Choquehuanca, Gustavo Rubén • Zea Vargas, Miguel Angel • Javier Quispe, Saul Amaru • Pari Pinto, Pablo Lizardo | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
171 | The role of diffraction gratings in a heterodyne detector for low-coherence interferometry | Cusato, Leslie J. • Torga, Jorge • Morel, Eneas | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
285 | Theoretical study of a low--energy spherical core--shell spacer | Cuevas, Mauro • Depine, Ricardo A | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
316 | Design and development of a control system to stabilize the energy of a laser micro-machining system | Martínez Valdivieso, Jeffry Homero • Peyton, Roberto R • Presti, Damian • Videla, Fabian • Torchia, Gustavo Adrian | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
317 | Manufacture of SiN-based PICs using UV laser direct write lithography | Tosi, Mauricio • Fasciszewski, Alejandro • Bulus Rossini, Laureano • Costanzo, Pablo | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
318 | Frequency Multiplier for Pulsed Lasers Using PIC | Bustillos, Marvin • Rinalde, Fabián • Bulus Rossini, Laureano • Costanzo, Pablo | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |
319 | High capacity DP-QPSK optical communication system | Moreno, Juan Lautaro • Costanzo, Pablo • Bulus Rossini, Laureano | OPTICAL SYSTEMS AND PHOTONICS |