When submission dates are enabled, you must upload a file with the format template that has been downloaded from, and you must respect specified guidelines in Call For Papers, but at this time, it is not mandatory to make use of the PDF verification.

However, if your work was accepted for presentation at the conference, and was selected for publication in IEEE XPlore, you must provide the article in its final version ( camera-ready) , as a PDF file that complies with technical restrictions of IEEE Xplore. Papers that are not so prepared cannot be published in IEEE Xplore. To comply with this requirement, authors must upload their files to the IEEE PDF eXpress Plus site, specifically configured for a conference with the congress ID 49523XP .

The ARGENCON xPress PDF site will be accessible only for camera-ready articles, from the first half of April 2020.


IEEE PDF eXpress Plus allows you to

  • generate PDF files compatible with the IEEE Xplore format, from source files (Conversion Function)
  • verify that your PDF files are compatible with the IEEE Xplore format (PDF Check Function).
  • store your documents, being a Plus version of the service, your final document can remain hosted on the IEEE PDF xPress Plus system.

Please follow next steps:

1. Access to IEEE PDF eXpress website:

2. Provide Congress ID: 49523XP.

3. If you do not have an account, select New Users – Click Here and follow the steps to register. Otherwise, log in with your email address and password. This operation may not be possible if the entry date is before the first half of April 2020.

4. Select Create New Title for each ARGENCON 2020 paper you submit.

5. Enter data that identifies your paper, and select Submit File for Checking or Converting.

6. Select Browse, then select the file on your computer. Selected file can be a PDF, to verify its compatibility, or a file in another format, to be converted to PDF. For more details go to

7. Select Upload File. You will receive, by email, a confirmation that the upload was successful.

8. You will receive a new email with your verified PDF file, or the PDF converted by the IEEE PDF eXpress system. If a PDF file was uploaded to be verified, the email indicates whether it passed the test or not.

Issues with non-embedded fonts in PDF file

One of the most common issues that arise, when verifying a PDF file with IEEE PDF eXpress Plus, is that not all sources are embedded in the document. To solve this problem in Latex, a possible solution is to compile first in Postscript format and then convert to PDF with the following switches:

-dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -r600 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dUseCIEColor

and the following parameters:

-sOutputFile=”%N.pdf” “”

The specific location, to enable switches, depends on the used editor.

If Windows is used as operating system, this procedure allows to obtain the desired result whenever the Ghostscript program is used to convert from postscript format to PDF.

Finally, if this procedure is chosen, you must ensure that, when converting from Postscript format to PDF format, sheet size is A4 in order to respect the margin requirements of ARGENCON 2020.