Verónica A. Bollati

Verónica A. Bollati

Inv Associate of CONICET. Category C of the UTN Doc and Inv Career. In the last years my research revolves around Agility. In particular, I have focused my activity on how to improve the productivity of agile teams and how to implement agility as a teaching-learning process. I have previously worked in the field of Model Driven Engineering (MDI), particularly in the field of model transformations, where I have been obtaining contrasting results since 2007. In fact, I have contributed to promoting a new line of research that applies the principles of MDI to the development of Model Transformations, an area of growing interest in which I have presented my PhD thesis. I participated as a researcher in more than 9 projects and 11 national thematic networks in Spain and Argentina. Currently, I participate in two research projects funded by the UTN. The results have been transferred to the industrial sector, through intellectual property registration of the work done, the management of 3 projects with companies and the participation in 9 other projects with companies.
Milton D. Marché

Milton D. Marché

MILTON DAMIÁN MARCHÉ, Computer Engineer (Universidad Nacional de Tucuman , 2002), Specialist on Management Engineering (UTNFRTUC, 2019)
Job Position: 
@OBRA SOCIAL DE PRENSA DE TUCUMAN, from, The Organization is responsible for providing a high quality health service to more than 60,000 Tucumán associates.
As part of this organization, from [2015-up-to-date] I'm the Manager of Information Systems and Technology; IT project manager; Data integration management with public and private institutions in the area of ​​medicine and legal; 
// Other positions: [2012-2015] Chief Information Analysis and Technology // [2008-2012] Engineer on Management Control, Audit and Costs [2005-2008] Responsible of IT System Support //
@ Ingenio Azucarero Grupo Colombres, Monteros, Tuc. Arg.[2004-2005] Responsible of IT System Support in the Manufacturing Industry 
IEEE:  Member adn volunteer of IEEE since 1998, IEEE Computer member, IEEE Communications Member. Mention of the Outstanding Chapter Award Committee 2019 that recognizes the strength of dedication to IEEE Computer Chapter, Argentina (2019).
[2020, 2019, 2018] IEEE Computer Chapter, Argentina Section, Chair // [2020] IEEE Communications Chapter, Argentina Section, Secretary.




Alejandra Garrido

Alejandra Garrido

Professor at the Faculty of Informatics of the University of La Plata (UNLP), CONICET Independent Researcher working at the Laboratory of Research and Training in Advanced Informatics (LIFIA), and Director of the Master’s Degree in Software Engineering (FI-UNLP). Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), USA, and M.S. in Computer Science from the same university. He did his graduate studies under the direction of Dr. Ralph Johnson, specializing in the area of refactoring. In 2006 she returned to UNLP as a researcher and since then her interest is to promote refactoring as an essential technique during the agile development of web applications, not only to improve incrementally the internal quality but also the external quality of the software as usability, accessibility and user experience. He has participated in the organization of conferences such as the 1st conference of design patterns held in Argentina (SugarLoaf-PLoP 2016), JAIIO 2016 and JAIIO 2018. She is co-editor of the Electronic Journal of SADIO (EJS) and a member of the Hillside Group.

Esperanza Marcos Martínez

Esperanza Marcos Martínez

Engineer and doctor in computer science (UPM), certified in personal and executive coach (ECC), in systemic coaching of teams (Lider-Haz-Go) and in ITIL (Tecnofor).

She is a professor at the URJC where she directs the Research Group Kybele whose career has ranged from research into databases and software engineering to service engineering, a new discipline of which he has been a pioneer in Spain, in collaboration with IBM, Meliá HI and the EULEN Group. He has directed numerous research projects, as well as projects and contracts with companies such as Telefónica I+D, BBVA, Boeing R&T, etc. Co-founder of the spin-off Kybele Consulting and of the ISE community, Services Engineering.

He coordinates the degree in Management and Engineering Services. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience and more than 15 years of experience in online teaching. He has taught and directed many masters and courses for entities and universities such as UC3M, UPM, URJC, UCLM, INAP, IMAF, CRUE, and other organizations and companies. He directs and participates in the MOOC Service Engineering, available on URJCx and MiriadaX platforms.

Esperanza Marcos Martínez.

Javier Garzás Parra

Javier Garzás Parra

Javier Garzás, Postdoctorate, research stay, at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA), Ph.D. in Computer Science (cum laude) and Computer Science Engineer (extraordinary prize) by UCLM.

Agile Coach, expert in Agile management and Agile teams, whose first Agile project was in 2001. To date I have already helped more than 80 companies.

Currently, I am dedicated to help companies, to make better software (in time, with productivity, with quality, and happiness). I actively collaborate with the company and community 233 Degrees of IT and, in addition, I am a professor at the University Rey Juan Carlos (one of the reference universities in Madrid).

I have been a programmer, project manager, consultant, IT manager, designer, I have gone through almost all the software development dedications.

I have published 4 books about Agility and more than 100 articles about Information Technologies.

I am also the author of the first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in Spanish about Agility, in the MIRIADA X platform (Banco Santander and Telefónica Móviles), through which more than 25,000 participants have passed so far.

Distinguished LecturerDistinguished LecturerDistinguished Lecturer

Moisés Rodríguez

Moisés Rodríguez

Computer Science Engineer, Master in Advanced Computer Technologies and Doctor Cum Laude unanimously. He is a founding partner and General Manager of AQCLab, the first and only laboratory accredited by ENAC/ILAC at an international level for the evaluation of software product and data quality based on ISO/IEC 25000, having collaborated with more than 40 companies in the improvement of their software quality. He is also a founding partner and Technological Director of the university spin-off DQTeam, dedicated to the evaluation and improvement of data quality and governance.

He is a professor of degree and master at the Escuela Superior de Informática of the Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha and professor of master at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, collaborating also with other universities such as the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the Universidad de Valladolid or the Universidad Sergio Arboleda.

He is a member of the Alarcos research group, having participated and directed more than 20 R+D+i projects related to software and data quality, with transfer between university and company.

He has published numerous articles related to software quality, in congresses and magazines of the sector and is co-author of the book Software Engineering Maturity Model Version 2.0, based on ISO/IEC 33000, with which AENOR has certified companies such as TELEFÓNICA, SIEMENS, etc.

He is also CISA Auditor (Certified Information System Auditor) by ISACA, AENOR Chief Auditor of Software Engineering (ISO 15504 and ISO 33000 standard), AENOR Chief Auditor of Projects and R+D+I Personnel, Expert Evaluator by the Spanish State Agency of Research, Scrum Master Certified, ISTQB Certified Tester and TMAP Certified.

Nicolás Páez

Nicolás Páez

Nicolás Paez is a Computer Science Engineer from the University of Buenos Aires. He has more than 18 years of experience working in the software industry. He divides his time between industry and academia doing development, teaching and research tasks. He is a professor at UBA and UNTreF. He has specialized in Information Technology Applied to Education and has published several articles and books in the area of Software Engineering.


Distinguished LecturerDistinguished Lecturer


This program is one of the first introduced in an ARGENCON. It deals with well-defined theoretical results and empirical studies that have a potential impact on software construction, analysis or management. The scope of the articles range from mechanisms through the development of principles to the application of those principles to specific environments.

For this topic, the following subtopics are suggested. Please note that you may send your paper beyond the scope of this list. In such a case, you must specify, in submission web form, the new subtopic that you consider your paper belongs to, as per instructions in Tutorial for Paper Submissions., under the paragraph How to specify a subtopic that is not predefined.
  • Analysis of static and/or dynamic programs.
  • Architecture and software design.
  • Distributed software systems and middleware.
  • Education and training in software engineering.
  • Emerging software engineering practices
  • Evidence-Based Software Engineering.
  • Formal methods applied to software engineering.
  • Human and social aspects of software engineering.
  • Methods and Agile Practices.
  • Mobile and embedded systems.
  • Model-Driven Software Engineering.
  • Object-oriented, component-based, aspect-oriented, service-oriented software engineering
  • Patterns and frameworks.
  • Product lines software.
  • Requirements Engineering.
  • Reverse Engineering, Refactoring and Evolution.
  • Service Engineering.
  • Software Engineering for Robotics and Automation
  • Software configuration and deployment.
  • Software development paradigms, processes, and methods
  • Software engineering, security and protection.
  • Software maintenance and evolution.
  • Software project management.
  • Software specification.
  • Tools and environments.
  • Web Engineering.


IDTítulo (Title)Autor (Author)Programa (Track)
28User Stories identification in software's issues records using natural language processingPena, Francisco J • Roldán, Luciana • Vegetti, MarcelaSOFTWARE ENGINEERING
93Tapir Geolocation SystemGigena, Leandro • Siles, Gustavo • Volentini, Esteban • Albaca Paraván, Carlos • Saade, SergioSOFTWARE ENGINEERING
110Internal Quality of Service: Alternative for Improvement even when Customer Satisfaction is PositivePapa, María Fernanda • Salgado Quesada, Maricela • De Castro, María Valeria • Olsina, Luis • Esperanza, MarcosSOFTWARE ENGINEERING
136Teaching software engineering: an active learning experienceVillagra, Sergio • De Benedetti, Guido • Fernández, Leonardo • Bruno, Tomás • Outeda, NicolásSOFTWARE ENGINEERING
162On the Influence of Agile in the Usage of Software Development PracticesPaez, Nicolas M • Fontdevila, Diego • Oliveros, AlejandroSOFTWARE ENGINEERING
196Smart Beehives for Precision Beekeeping: A Cyber-Physical ModelOrdinez, Leo • Parra, Iván • Santos, Rodrigo MSOFTWARE ENGINEERING
213Sen4Smells: A Tool for Ranking Sensitive Smells for an Architecture Debt IndexAndrés, Diaz Pace • Tommasel, Antonela • Pigazzini, Ilaria • Arcelli Fontana, FrancescaSOFTWARE ENGINEERING