Speakers Overview

Leilani H. Gilpin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, lhg@mit.edu

Anomaly Detection Through Explanations

Under most conditions, complex systems are imperfect. When errors occur, as they inevitably will, systems need to be able to (1) localize the error and (2) take appropriate action to mitigate the repercussions of that error. In this talk, I present new methodologies for detecting and explaining errors in complex systems. My novel contribution is a system-wide monitoring architecture, which is composed of introspective, overlapping committees of subsystems. Each subsystem is encapsulated in a “reasonableness” monitor…more>>>

Prof. María Ángeles Gil, University of Oviedo, Spain, magil@uniovi.es

Fuzzy Rating Scales of measurement: a psychometric tool capturing imprecisión and individual differences

In introducing Fuzzy Sets, Lotfi A. Zadeh anticipated that they would play an important role in human thinking. Fuzzy rating scales were developed as a psychometric tool aiming to appropriately capture the natural imprecision involved in measuring many variables in Social Sciences. Furthermore, these scales also cope with the individual differences in such a measurement, so they look to be more informative from a statistical perspective…more>>>

Prof. Sven Dickinson, University of Toronto, sven@cs.toronto.edu

The Role of Symmetry in Human and Computer Vision

Symmetry is one of the most ubiquitous regularities in our natural world. For almost 100 years, human vision researchers have studied how the human vision system has evolved to exploit this powerful regularity as a basis for grouping image features. While computer vision is a much younger discipline, the trajectory is similar, with symmetry playing a major role in both perceptual grouping and object representation. After briefly reviewing some of the milestones in symmetry-based perceptual grouping and object…more>>>

Prof. Michael Smithson, Australian National University, Australia, Michael.Smithson@anu.edu.au

Univariate and Multivariate Distributions for Fuzzy Membership Data

Fuzzy data can take many different forms, but perhaps the most common kind include fuzzy membership values on the closed unit interval, [0,1]. Appropriate statistical analyses of such data treat them as random variables on the unit interval, which motivates the topic for this talk. A survey of distributions for random variables on the unit interval reveals several practical problems and (in some instances) their solutions…more>>>

Prof. Jerry M. Mendel, University of Southern California, USA, jmmprof@me.com

Why Have Fuzzy Sets Made Almost No Impact on AI, and Can This be Changed?

This keynote talk answers two questions that should be of great importance to the attendees of FUZZ-IEEE 2021:

  1. Why have fuzzy sets made almost no impact on AI?; and,
  2. Can this be changed?

The first question is based on the almost zero coverage of fuzzy sets in the very widely used AI textbook by Norwig, as well as Lotfi Zadeh’s belief that fuzzy sets were always a part of AI. My answers to this question will be provocative and soul searching, but will also be constructive…more>>>

Prof. Lorna McGregor, University of Essex, UK, lmcgreg@essex.ac.uk

Why Human Rights Matter in the Design, Development and Deployment of New and Emerging Tech

The use of new and emerging technologies to support or make decisions carries significant implications for human rights, including but beyond the right to privacy. Depending on the nature of the decision at issue, the integration of new and emerging technologies within decision-making processes can have far reaching consequences for rights such as the right to health, education, liberty, and freedom of opinion and expression…more>>>