IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems: the journal, selected recent publications and Paper Development Workshop

Sunday 11th July, 14.00-14.30 Introduction to Publishing in TFS Jonathan M. Garibaldi, Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems

Prof. Jonathan M. Garibalid will give an introduction to the TFS journal, its focus, priorities and tips for potential authors. This will be followed by a short Question and Answer Session.

Sunday 11th July, 14.30-15.30 Presentations of Selected Recently Published TFS Papers, Chair: Jonathan M. Garibaldi

Authors of selected papers which have recently been published in TFS give an overview of their paper and publication experience in a quick-fire presentation format: 6 minutes per paper.
Please note there will be no Q&A for these presentations. Those who wish to learn more – please read the paper (all are available via IEEE Xplore) and if you still have questions, we encourage you to get in touch with the authors directly.
List of papers:

14.30 Dongjiao Ge, Xiao-Jun Zeng
Functional Fuzzy System: A Nonlinear Regression Model and Its Learning Algorithm for Function-on-Function Regression

14.36 Jerry M. Mendel, Piero P. Bonissone
Critical Thinking About Explainable AI (XAI) for Rule-Based Fuzzy Systems

14.42 Boris Yatsalo, Alexander Korobov, Alexander Radaev, Jindong Qin,Luis Martinez
Ranking of Independent and Dependent Fuzzy Numbers and Intransitivity in Fuzzy MCD

14.48 Dhirendra Kumar, Ramesh Kumar Agrawal, Puneet Kumar
Bias-corrected intuitionistic fuzzy c-means with spatial neighborhood information approach for human brain MRI image segmentation

14.54 Amanda O. C. Ayres, Fernando J. Von Zuben
The Extreme Value Evolving Predictor

15.00 Tiago da Cruz Asmus, Jose Sanz, Gracaliz Dimuro, Benjamin Bedregal, Javier Fernandez, Humberto Bustince
N-Dimensional Admissibly Ordered Interval-valued Overlap Functions and its influence in interval-valued fuzzy rule-based classification systems

15.06 Zhengwei Ruan, Qinmin Yang, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Youxian Sun
Adaptive Fuzzy Fault Tolerant Control of Uncertain MIMO Nonlinear Systems With Output Constraints and unknown control directions

15.12 J. Fernandez, H. Bustince, L. Horanská, R. Mesiar, A. Stupnanová
A generalization of the Choquet integral defined in terms of the Mobius transform

15.18 Souhail Tiko, Fouad Mesquine
Decentralized fuzzy observer-based output-feedback control for nonlinear large-scale systems: An LMI approach

15.24 Rayan Gargees, Jim Keller, Mihail Popescu
TLPCM: Transfer Learning Possibilistic C-Means
Comments on “TLPCM: Transfer Learning Possibilistic C-Means”: Errata and Observations

The both papers below have not been shown during the workshop, due to the technical issue and the lenght of the video. However, the videos are attached below to view or download.

Iman Zare, Peyman Setoodeh, Mohammad Hassan Asemani
Fault-Tolerant Tracking Control of Discrete-Time T-S Fuzzy Systems with Input Constraint
DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2021.3070573
To dowload the presentation video, please click here

Stefan Stanimirovic, Ivana Micic, Miroslav Ciric
Approximate bisimulations for fuzzy automata over complete Heyting algebras
DOI: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2020.3039968
To download the presentation video, please click here

Sunday 11th July, 15.30-16.40 Paper Development Workshop, Chair: João de Sousa

As a first for TFS and Fuzz-IEEE, we are running a Paper Development Workshop for selected participants. This session is for pre-selected participants only. Participants will work in small groups directly with TFS Associate Editors who provide feedback on their paper drafts, supporting them in developing their manuscripts for publication to TFS. For more information, see the IEEE CIS Student and Early Career Mentoring Program page.