Message regarding COVID-19
Date: 19 March 2020
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and we continue to follow the latest updates and news carefully. We are constantly aimed at maintaining the interaction within the signal processing community for advancing the related scientific research.
We will continue organizing the IEEE MMSP 2020 following the original plans, including the open calls for papers, special sessions and grand challenges, with the assumption that the situation will get clearer at the beginning of June.
As the safety and well-being of the community is our main priority, together with the IEEE SPS MMSP Technical Committee and the IEEE Signal Processing Society leadership, we have been discussing alternative formats for the conference. In addition, we are committed to ensure flexible cancellation and registration refund policies if the situation requires so.
Meanwhile, we want to encourage you to continue supporting the workshop by submitting your excellent research work to the open calls and maintaining active communication. Our strength is to continue, together, conducting and publicizing the outstanding research we do to advance technology for humanity.
Take care,
Atanas Gotchev, Dong Tian
Annamaria Mesaros, Gene Cheung, Mårten Sjöström, Giacomo Boracchi