Computer Systems and High-performance Computing
Leopoldo José Ríos
Master in Software Engineering Software
Engineering Specialist
Bachelor of Systems
[IMIT] Institute of Modeling and Technological Innovation
[CCT CONICET – NORDESTE] Scientific Technological Center CONICET – NORDESTE
[CONICET] National Council for Scientific and Technical Research
Image Source CONICET
Orlando MicoliniImage Source ieee-ica-acca2018 National University of Cordoba Master in Engineering Sciences, Mention in Telecommunications, by the UNC-FCEFyN; where he did research and thesis in computer cluster simulation and modeling, and postgraduate degree “Specialty in Telecommunications”. |
Chair | Co-Chair |
Benjamín BaránDoctor of Science, of Computer and Systems Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993), Master degree in Electrical Engineering from Northeastern University in Boston – United States (1987), Electronic Engineer from the National University of Asunción (1983), He currently works as Dean of the Computer Science Faculty of the Comunera University – UCOM and a teacher at other national universities such as the National University of Asunción and the Catholic University “Ntra. Mrs. de la Asunción ”. With more than a hundred scientific publications, he has received dozens of scientific awards and distinctions such as the National Science Award of Paraguay (1996 and 2018), the Honor for Latin American Merit in Informatics awarded by CLEI (2013) and the Pan American Award in Scientific Computing (2012), as well as an Honorary Doctorate from the Universidad Nacional del Este (2012). He also collaborates as a member of the editorial board of several scientific journals. He is the founder and president of CBA S.A. His recent areas of research include: Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, Optical Networks, Cloud Computing, Quantum Computing and Data Science. |
Distinguished Lecturer |
The Computer Society, colloquially known as Computer, is another of the IEEE Societies that has a comprehensive F.O.I. set. Society motto is “to advance the theory, practice and application of science and technology of computer and information processing”.
For this topic, the following subtopics are suggested. Please note that you may send your paper beyond the scope of this list. In such a case, you must specify, in submission web form, the new subtopic that you consider your paper belongs to, as per instructions in Tutorial for Paper Submissions., under the paragraph How to specify a subtopic that is not predefined. |
- Applications and Services: Cloud Computing
- Applications and Services: Computer Science for Life
- Applications and Services: Computing Services
- Applications and Services: Informatics and Business Systems
- Applications and Services: Learning Technology
- Data Science: Data Engineering
- Data Science: Intelligent Informatics
- Data Science: Multimedia Computing
- Data Science: Semantic Computing
- Data Science: Visualization and Graphs
- Hardware: Computer Architecture
- Hardware: Microprocessors and microcomputers
- Hardware: Microprogramming and Microarchitecture
- Hardware: VLSI
- High-performance computing: Computing Relaunch
- High-performance computing: Distributed Processing
- High-performance computing: General
- High-performance computing: Parallel Processing
- Networks: Computer Communication
- Software: Internet
- Software: Real-time systems
- Software: Reliable and fault tolerant computation
- Software: Scalable Computing
- Software: Security and Privacy
- Software: Testing
- Theory: Multi-valued logic
ID | Título (Title) | Autor (Author) | Programa (Track) |
5 | Aggregation operators as an alternative for the selection of resources in the cloud | Haurech, Hugo Rolando • Martínez, David L. La Red | COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SUPERCOMPUTING |
7 | Comparison of the behavior of video codecs in Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac environment | Pérez, Santiago Cristóbal • Facchini, Higinio • Dantiacq, Alejandro • Quiroga Salomón, Gabriel • Cangemi, Gastón • Hidalgo, Fabián | COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SUPERCOMPUTING |
10 | Relocating the Load-Shedding Strategy in the Data Stream Processing Architecture | Diván, Mario J • Sánchez-reynoso, María Laura | COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SUPERCOMPUTING |
131 | Towards management of energy consumption in HPC systems with Fault Tolerance | Morán, Marina • Rexachs, Dolores • Rucci, Enzo • Balladini, Javier | COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SUPERCOMPUTING |
160 | Using LoRa as communication support in collaborative mountain tourism | Dello Russo, Alejandro E. • Ferrari, Julián • Santos, Rodrigo M | COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SUPERCOMPUTING |
209 | Brief Results of Factors and Enterprise Architecture Frameworks Influencing SMEs Adoption | Alfaro Mendoza, Luis Alfonso • Aguilar Alonso, Igor | COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SUPERCOMPUTING |
224 | High-performance heterogeneous computing: application in rational drug design | Blanco, Ramiro • Chinestrad, Patricio • Lorenzano Menna, Pablo • Zinni, María Alejandra • Safar, Félix Gustavo | COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SUPERCOMPUTING |
340 | Application of quantum optimization techniques (QUBO method) to cargo logistics on ships and airplanes | Hernández, Fernando • Díaz, Kenny • Forets, Marcelo • Sotelo, Rafael | COMPUTER SYSTEMS AND SUPERCOMPUTING |