Huan Sun

Ohio State University
Track: Machine Learning, Guidance and Navigation
Talk Title: Intelligent Collaboration among Humans and Machines (from Natural Language Understanding Perspective)





Huan Sun has been an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Ohio State University since Autumn 2016. She was a visiting scientist at the University of Washington during 01-06/2016, and received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from University of California, Santa Barbara (2015) and a B.S. in EEIS from the University of Science and Technology of China (2010). Her research interests lie in data mining and machine learning, with emphasis on question answering, text mining and understanding, deep learning, network analysis, and human behavior understanding. Her research has been funded recently by Army Research Office, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute, and Fujitsu Laboratories of America. Huan received the SIGKDD Ph.D. Dissertation Runner-Up Award (2016), the honor of being MIT EECS Rising Stars (2015), Outstanding Dissertation Award from UCSB CS (2015), the UC Regents’ Special Fellowship (2010, 2014).


In this talk, I will discuss our recent work on human-machine and machine-machine collaboration frameworks from the perspective of natural language question answering and command understanding. In particular, I will focus more on human-machine interactive semantic parsing (in AAAI’19), and machine-machine collaboration for information search, particularly for code snippets search (in WWW’19). Finally, I will conclude the talk with ongoing/future work.