When an author sends a manuscript of researcher to the IEEE ARGENCON 2022, it must be an original work.
The authors of a research work must be sure of the following: that the work is an original paper of the listed authors, that it was neither published before nor sent to any other journal or conference.
Only student´s works will be exempt from the originality requisite.
The IEEE requires the fulfillment of the following three criteria simultaneously, so that a person can be considered as listed author in the paper:
- Having done an important intellectual contribution to the theoretical development, system, experimental design, development of a prototype, and/or the analysis or interpretation of data which are associated to the work of the paper.
- Having contributed to the draft of the paper, its reviewing and/or revising in relation with its intellectual content.
- Having approved the camera-ready of the paper as it was accepted for the presentation, including references.
Those who have contributed, but which do not comply with the previously mentioned points, will be able to appear in the section of Acknowledgements of the paper. The omission of an author which has contributed to the paper, or the inclusion of a person who has not complied with the total requirements of the authorship, is considered as a violation of the ethics of IEEE publications.
If he/she is collaborating with other authors to publish a paper, all should agree which authors will be designated as a corresponding author. The corresponding author is the only contact point between the authors and the publication where it is sent the paper. Besides all the authorship criteria mentioned before, the corresponding author is also responsible for:
- Including as co-authors all the appropriate persons and none inappropriate one.
- Obtaining from all co-authors their consent to be designated as such, as well as the approval of the camera-ready version of the paper as it was accepted for its publication.
- Maintaining informed, all the approved authors, of the present state of the paper presented for its publication. This includes providing copies of the reviewers´ comments to all co-authors and a copy of the published version.
Advice: The corresponding author must be selected before sending the paper for its publication. Co-authors are responsible for the paper after being presented, revised and published under their names.
Quotations, references, literature.
The sources used in the paper must be quoted. As quotes are required in many cases, the following requirements would be useful:
Direct quotation: use the literal text of other source between quotation marks. Long quotations require text indentation. Include a quotation for the original source.
Paraphrase or synthesis: include a quotation to restore or synthesize information of other source, including ideas, processes, arguments or conclusions.
Data, results of the research, information, graphs or tables: Quote the original source to refer, adapt or reuse any information of other source.
You have to take into account that the same rules were applied to your own paper previously published. If any doubt is always better to use quotations.
The IEEE defines plagiarism as the use of ideas, processes, results or words of other person without recognizing explicitly the author and original sources. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and it is considered as a serious violation of the professional ethics, with legal and ethical implications. (Operation Manual of the Board of Products and Services of Publication of the IEEE, Section 8.2.1.B.7.)
All papers of journals, journals and conferences of the IEEE are analyzed to detect plagiarism before their publication in the Digital Library IEEE Xplore®. This is done after the paper has been accepted and selected for its publication.
Inappropriate use of quotations
Quoting an irrelevant source with the aim of artificially increase the volume of quotations is considered a violation of the ethics. Only quote relevant sources which legitimately contribute to the paper according with the previously described terms.
Although a self-quotation may be desirable, authors should avoid the excessive quotation of their previous works to artificially inflate the number of quotations. It should be avoided also since it could violate the double-blind process.
Provide data in an accurate way
Readers of your paper rely on you to communicate all the results of your research and inform data with accuracy. You have to be sure of showing a complete image avoiding producing, falsifying and manipulating images during your research and when you are writing or revising your paper. Each of the things that you should avoid at the time of writing the paper is defined hereinafter:
Production: to invent results or data.
Falsification: manipulation of materials, equipment or research processes, changes or omissions of data or results.
Manipulation of images: excessive or inappropriate adjustment of an image which alters its scientific meaning.
If you are a researcher, send only the original research
When you send you paper to the Congress for its potential publication at the IEEE, there must be the original research which has not been published before. The author must ensure not to send it to other journal while waiting for the decision process of the revision between pairs.
The IEEE recognizes that the technical research is published often first as a conference paper with preliminary results. If those initial findings were completely developed afterwards, the paper of the conference can turn into a paper for the journal containing the research and conclusions completely developed. The IEEE supports this evolutionary process provided that:
- Either the paper for the conference or for the journal is under a standard revision by pairs.
- The paper of the journal contains more technical information than the paper for the conference.
- The paper of the journal quotes the paper of the conference and indicates clearly the differences in both papers.
As general rule, it must be verified that there is at least more than 40% of difference in the original content of the new paper, respect the previous paper.
The manuscript should not be previously published or accepted for its publication in any other place, either in total (included the chapters of the book) or in part (included the paragraphs of the text or presentations), either in English or any other language.
If the manuscript contains materials which overlap with the work previously published, which is print or is being considered for its publication in other place, the Author must let this specifically clear in the manuscript. The author should also inform the Committee of the ARGENCON 2022 Program, of this related work, at the moment of the presentation. Authors should explicitly quote their own previous works and ideas, even when the works or ideas are not thoroughly quoted or paraphrased in the manuscript. If in the manuscript are included exact phrases or paragraphs which appear in other work of the Author, the material must be included between quotation marks or they must be appropriately quoted so that they do not compromise the double-blind revision process.
Note that students works won´t be required such strict originality.
Conflict of interests
Authors must avoid conflicts of interest or the appearance of conflicts of interest along the research process. A conflict of interest is any act known by a participant in the publishing process which if it is revealed later, would make that the reader feel deceived, (an author, reviser, editor feels in a defensive situation). If there is any doubt as if any circumstance represents a conflict, authors must contact the Scientific Committee, so that it can evaluate its importance.
Double-blind revision
ARGENCON 2022 follows a double-blind process, through which Authors do not know the revisers and vice versa. Authors must respect the confidentiality revision process and they do not reveal to revisers and vice versa. For example, the manuscript does not have to include any information through which it can be infer the Author or a Reviser. Authors do not have to publish the work that they have sent to web sites where they can be easily discovered by potential revisers, including documents of work or previous draft papers.
About persons
Authors have the responsibility of preserving and protecting privacy, dignity, well-being and freedom of the Persons and participants in the research. It must be asked the informed consent to all human subjects, and if confidentiality or anonymity is asked, it must be respected. Works which involve human subjects (surveys, simulations, interviews) must comply with the requirements of the jurisdiction where it is developed the event.
Copyrights Law and related aspects
Authors must revise their manuscripts in search of possible violations to the copyright law (for example, when permits are required for references, works of art, or tables taken from other publications), and ensure them before sending papers. Authors must avoid any expression, in the manuscript text, which may give place to a complaint, for example, defamation. Authors must avoid the use of sexist or biased language, which may be interpreted as denigrated for ethnical groups or others.
Authors must be fast in the revision of their manuscripts. If any author cannot comply with the deadline, he/she must get in touch with the presidents of the IEEE ARGENCON 2022 as soon as possible to determine if there has to be chosen a further time or a withdrawal from the revision process.
IEEE copyright form
All authors of accepted documents will be invited to present the camera ready. To be published the authors have to send at that time, the Copyright Form of the IEEE, a digital form. This must be dully filled according to the norms which are included in the same site to load the camera-ready. If the form is not provided you won´t be allowed to publish at the IEEE. At this final stage any question as regards the appropriate use of the digital copyright form of the IEEE should be addressed to the Committee of Publications.
Subsequent Publication
ARGENCON 2022 will be depositary of all copyrights of the published papers. If IEEE ARGENCON 2022 authors wish to publish these manuscripts (or a selection of them), at any other place, they must ask for permission to do so to the Committee of the Conference. For example, they should do so in the case of an IEEE ARGENCON 2022 paper which later on may appear as a chapter of a book or as a translation.
Some details of the authors´ responsibilities are expressed in the IEE copyright form. Authors still have the right to publish without previous permission, their material with IEEE copyright in their own servers, provided that such server shows a highlighted note which warns readers of their obligations regards the material protected by the copyright, and that the published work includes a copyright advice.
General norms of IEEE Publications
You can get informtion of the general norms of the IEEE publications, having access to the following document in line: IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual 2019.