For the submission of papers, the paper must be loaded with the format downloaded from here, and it must respect the requirements indicated in the site Call for Papers, but it is not compulsory here to use the PDF verification.

However, if your paper was accepted to be presented in the conference, and it was selected for its publication in the IEEE XPlore, you should generate the paper in the camera-ready, as a PDF file which fulfills with the technical constrains of the IEEE Xplore. Papers without this form cannot be published in the IEEE Xplore. To fulfill this requisite the authors should load their files to the site of IEEE PDF eXpress Plus, especially configured for the conference with the ID of the Congress 55245X.


IEEE PDF eXpress allows:

  • generating PDF files compatible directly with the format of IEEE Xplore from the font files (Conversion Function)
  • verifying that the PDF files are compatible with the format of IEEE Xplore (PDF check Function)

The steps are the following:

  1. To get access to the web site of IEEE PDF eXpress.
  2. Specify the ID of the congress: 55245X.
  3. If you do not have an account, you have to select New Users – Click Here and follow the steps to get registered. Otherwise, start session with your mail address and password.
  4. Select Create New Title per each paper of ARGENCON 2022.
  5. Log in data which identify your paper and select Submit File for Checking or Converting.
  6. Select Browse and select the file in your device. The selected file can be a PDF to verify its compatibility or a file in other format to be converted into PDF. For further details log in the site https://ieee-pdf-express.org/External/UsingIEEEPDFeXpress
  7. Select Upload File. You will receive the confirmation of the load through an e-mail.
  8. You will receive a new e-mail with your verified PDF file or the PDF converted by the system IEEE PDF eXpress. If a PDF file was load to be verified, in the e-mail will be indicated if it passed the test or not.

Issues with non-embedded fonts in PDF file

One of the most common problems which presents at the moment of verifying a PDF file with IEEE PDF eXpress is that not all fonts are embedded in the document. To solve this problem in Latex, you can first compile in postscript format and then convert to PDF with the following switches:

-dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -r600 -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/printer -dMaxSubsetPct=100 -dSubsetFonts=true -dUseCIEColor

and the following parameters:

-sOutputFile=”%N.pdf” “%N.ps”

The specific location, to enable switches, depends on the used editor.

In case of using Windows as operative system this procedure allows obtaining the desired result whenever it is used the Ghostscript program to convert the postscript format to PDF.

Finally, if you opt for this proceeding, you must ensure that by converting from the postscript format to the PDF the size of the sheet be A4 in order to respect the margins of the ARGENCON 2022.